About Me
Dr. Yang Kyo, M.H., settled in Hong Kong through Quality Migrant Admission Scheme since 2009. She joined Hong Kong Sinfonietta in 2010.
Apart from participating in music performances, she dedicates in nurturing new music talents by providing various music training sessions for teenagers. Over the years, many of her students have managed to be admitted by top music academies and have had outstanding and distinctive performances in grade exams, Hong Kong school music festival and other competitions. She is currently an instructor at the Department of Music of the Hong Kong Baptist University.
Dr. Yang founded the Hong Kong Society for Art and Charity Limited (HKSAC) in 2016, aiming to promote music to the general community. Since then, HKSAC has been organizing over a hundred charity activities in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay area, so as to introduce music to the communities. Later, “The Greater Bay Area Philharmonic” (“the Project”) was launched under the sponsorship of the Tung Foundation. Community volunteer orchestras were set up in the Bay cities under the Project, being the only organization to serve their respective communities and provide regular arts performances. Under the leadership of Dr Yang, The Greater Bay Area Philharmonic has participated in many key performances in Hong Kong and other community events over the past three years.
Dr. Yang enthusiastic on public welfare affairs, she is founder of the HKSAC, co-founder of The Greater Bay Area Philharmonic, Consultant of Hong Kong Metropolitan University Orchestra, member of Human Resources Planning Commission, Advisory Panel on Vetting of Amusement Games/Machines, Kennedy Town & Shek Tong Tsui Area Committee. She is also vice chairman of Hong Kong Youth Association, Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association. In China mainland affairs, she is member of Guang Dong Women's Federation and Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Federation.
Dr. Yang has been awarded the Commendation from the Home Affairs Bureau in 2020 in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the promote music and performing arts in community. She has also been awarded Medal of Honour (M.H.) in 2021 by the HKSAR Government in recognition of her dedicated and valuable community service, particularly her contribution to arts education and charity work in the community.
楊淇煜博士 MH畢業於奧地利莫扎特表演暨藝術大學,於2009年通過優才計劃來到香港。2010年加入香港小交響樂團。除參與頻密的演奏活動外,她亦大力培養樂壇新秀,致力於青少年的音樂培訓,並任教於香港浸會大學音樂系。她所教授的學生每年均有多名被各著名專業院校錄取,其學員每年在考級、校際比賽及其他國內外賽事亦均出類拔萃,表現優秀。